Monsalma Data Grid for .NET MAUI – Column Width



DataGridLengthType enum

DataGridLengthType is internally used in DataGridLength class. DataGridLength contains the length type field (DataGridLengthType) and the length value field (double).

Fixed is used to define constant length in DIU / DIP (Device Independent Unit / Device Independent Pixel). For example, "100" would be converted to DataGridLength object with Type Fixed and Value 100.

FixedPercentage defines a length respective to parent length. For example, "20%" would be converted to FixedPercentage / 20.

RemainderProportional is used to define a column which takes a portion of the remaining width. First, width is allocated for all columns with width type Fixed, FixedPercentage or FitContent. Then the remaining width is calculated and split, based on the value provided, between all columns with width type RemainderProportional. For example, "*" would be converted to RemainderProportional / 1, “3*” to RemainderProportional / 3. The "3*" column would take 3 times more space than the “*” column.

We use FitContent when we want a column to take as much space as needed, even if that makes the data grid grow over the bounds of the parent control (horizontal scroll bar is enabled in that case). "Auto" is converted to a DataGridLength object with Type FitContent (Value is irrelevant in this case).

DataGridMinMaxLengthType enum

Similarly, DataGridMinMaxLengthType is used internally in DataGridMinMaxLength class (Type field).

Absolute is equivalent to DataGridLengthType.Fixed.

ParentPercentage is equivalent to DataGridLengthType.FixedPercentage.